Senin, 30 Mei 2011


~B.O.Y.S in my Eyes~

B.O.Y.S are a careless creature.
that's not true..
actually, they thinking about us.

B.O.Y.S can't loyal with one girl (a.k.a playboy)
it's a lie! they just wanna search for a fit girl.

B.O.Y.S are rude, cruel, and evil.
they often to do it, cause that's plus point from God.
it makes they brave. but sometime, they can show the good and soft behaviour.

B.O.Y.S likes cheat!
who was say it huh?? maybe they can't do sometime, feels forced cause confuse to do it.

B.O.Y.S are pervert!
that's very wrong! they just wanna search big points that they never had it.

B.O.Y.S are weak person.
hmm, they often to do it, but i'm so sure, that they have a little femine behaviour, right?

finally, in my eyes,
B.O.Y.S aren't bad persons.
remember, they are same with us, girls.
if B.O.Y.S can accept our bad behaviour,
why we can't??

we are same.
we are not wonderful creatures.
so, accept each other right? :)

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